Mobile phone insurance pros and cons
Many people wonder whether it makes sense to buy additional insurance for the phone or laptop when signing the purchase contract for accidental damage or theft.
In this article, we will try to weigh the pros and cons of taking out additional insurance, for example against phone theft or screen damage.
When it comes to insurance policies, the level of cover depends on your policy. As a rule of thumb, a decent mobile phone insurance policy would usually protect you – as standard – in case of:
- Theft
- Accidental damage
- Liquid damage
- Mechanical breakdown
- Unauthorized calls
- Extra accessories
The purchase of a modern smartphone or tablet is associated with a considerable cost and the risk of damaging such a device is very high because by definition these are devices designed to be moved to various places.
Accidental dropping / drowning or other damage to the screen may render the device unusable.
In order to minimize the risk of having to buy a new device for your accidental damage, insurance companies have introduced solutions to their offer that in the event of damage to such a phone, we can count on a full refund of the costs incurred.
Costs may relate to the repair consisting in restoring the device to its original condition. When the repair proves impossible to carry out – the value of the compensation paid in cash will allow you to purchase a new device.
Is such insurance worth the money?
If we look at the value of the insurance premium, which is most often expressed in a monthly amount, we come to the conclusion that it is only 2 or 3% of the value of the device
It seems a low cost if we take into account the possibility of damage and the need to replace the device with a new one.
Policies of this type often also have protection against theft or robbery, however, you should read the terms and conditions carefully, as most often the consideration of a complaint depends on reporting the fact of theft or robbery to the police.
The devil is in the details
Policies of this type often also have protection against theft or robbery, however, you should read the terms and conditions precisely, as many times the concern of a complaint depends on the police making the decision, and not on the complainant and/or her/his agent. There are a lot of reasons, such as if the complaint is from a domestic situation or if your relationship has been in some other way damaged. You cannot be certain that it will actually end in a lawsuit, however.
Furthermore, if you receive a complaint and then file a court action, the police will usually demand to see the complaint in order to verify whether you are the victim of a crime (for example, if an officer has found your car stolen, or if you are selling drugs).
A person’s right to privacy is very important to the privacy protection and the right to a fair trial in any legal process, and you should make it known to the police and/or your lawyer in advance, and to the prosecution.
A complaint about theft or other illegal activity should not be treated simply as an annoyance or a nuisance, but as the result of a genuine concern for the wellbeing of the person whose property has been violated.
The police are responsible for investigating these violations and for responding to them appropriately. If you are unable to make an effort to have the complaint dealt with, the police will probably ignore it until the police act to resolve it. You may decide to file a complaint through a solicitor.
When filing a complaint for breach of security, your lawyer should consider the following guidelines:
- Do you have a valid reason to believe that your property is being unlawfully accessed?
- Do you have a reasonable suspicion of a crime?
- Do you have a clear and reasonable explanation for any violation of the premises or the building?
- Are you sure that the person doing the damage will not be prosecuted?
- Is the person’s behavior consistent with the general security standards? For example, if the damage has been in the area of the house, the security measures will need to be improved?
- Is the violation of your property in a timely manner?
- Do you consider it in your rights to seek compensation for the damage, either through the courts or through other means?
For example, it may be important to you that your house remains unoccupied so that your child and your wife can be present without being disturbed. In some cases, if you find a person breaking through one of the locked locks, the police may be able to assist in taking down the person who broke into your house.
A reasonable police presence is crucial. A strong security plan (like the one that was developed in 2002) may be needed if you have the means to hire a security firm, such as security companies or police escorts.
Gary Luu
October 13, 2020 at 3:02 pm
Well explained and easy to follow. I have recently bought new expensive smart-phone and I look for such insurance. Thanks for your work I really appreciate it.
July 25, 2022 at 8:05 pm
People buy very expensive smartphones that cost a lot of money. It is very important to consider buying appropriate insurance that will protected you against possible problems in case of theft. Please remember that you should not not be afraid to ask questions when buying a phone, most people do not make clear what they are interested in buying.
The answer might be different from one person to another. Do not be afraid to ask certain questions regarding the smartphones and possible protection options. The more information you get, the easier it is.
Do not pay too much attention on the advertisements Advertising is an important thing when buying a smartphone. It is also an important part of the whole smartphone world. It might be a big waste of your money if you waste your time to watch endless advertisements.
Remember to put your price tags where you will never see them Your smartphone is probably the most expensive purchase you will ever make. Make sure that you do this in a way that you do not have to even look at the price tags. If you will have to do this anyway, make sure that you are not too close to the price tags. When you want to buy a smartphone, you need to consider a few important things first. These things depend on your own preferences. However, if you want to be safe and ensure that your purchase is well protected against different threats like thefts, accidental damage or random lost.