Miracle double lung transplant

Miracle Double Lung Transplant Gives Cancer Patient a Second Chance at Life

In a groundbreaking medical procedure, a team of surgeons at Northwestern Medicine’s Canning Thoracic Institute has performed a first-of-its-kind double lung transplant on a cancer patient, giving her a second chance at life. Mandy Wilk, 42, was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and later discovered that the disease had spread to her lungs. Despite her doctors telling her there wasn’t much that could be done, Wilk refused to give up and sought out a different oncologist who recommended she consider joining the DREAM program.

The DREAM program is a unique initiative that offers lung transplants to patients with cancer who have no other options. Dr. Ankit Bharat, chief of thoracic surgery and director of the Canning Thoracic Institute, led the team that performed Wilk’s double lung transplant on June 3rd. This pioneering surgery was made possible by the DREAM program’s innovative approach, which involves replacing both lungs with healthy ones to rid them of cancer cells.

A Second Chance at Life

Mandy Wilk’s journey began when she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2018. Despite undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment, her cancer continued to spread, eventually reaching her lungs. Her doctors told her that there wasn’t much they could do for her, but Wilk refused to give up. She sought out a second opinion from Dr. David Chang, an oncologist at Northwestern Medicine who specialized in treating patients with advanced cancer.

Dr. Chang recommended that Wilk consider joining the DREAM program, which offers lung transplants to patients with cancer who have no other options. The program is led by Dr. Ankit Bharat and his team of surgeons at the Canning Thoracic Institute. After much consideration, Wilk decided to undergo the transplant procedure.

The Surgery

On June 3rd, Dr. Bharat and his team performed Mandy’s double lung transplant in a groundbreaking surgery that lasted for several hours. The procedure involved replacing both of her lungs with healthy ones from donors. This innovative approach was made possible by the DREAM program’s unique approach to cancer treatment.

The surgery was a success, and Wilk spent only one week in the hospital recovering from her ordeal. Unlike most patients who undergo double lung transplants, Wilk did not require a rehab center stay, a testament to the expertise of Dr. Bharat and his team.

A New Lease on Life

Since her surgery, Mandy has made remarkable progress. Her lung capacity has improved significantly, allowing her to start walking and engaging in activities she enjoys, including running. She is now able to breathe easily and no longer experiences the shortness of breath that had become a constant companion since her cancer diagnosis.

Wilk’s determination and advocacy for herself played a significant role in her recovery. Her family members have reported that she never lost hope and continued to push forward, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. Her story serves as an inspiration to others who are facing similar health crises, reminding them of the importance of resilience and determination.

A Foundation Born from Hope

Mandy’s surgery was made possible by the dedication and expertise of Dr. Bharat and his team at Northwestern Medicine’s Canning Thoracic Institute. As a result of her recovery, Mandy has established The Mandy’s Foundation to raise awareness about art therapy and pediatric education at Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago.

The foundation is a testament to Wilk’s determination to give back to the community that helped save her life. By raising awareness about art therapy and pediatric education, she hopes to make a difference in the lives of others who are facing similar health challenges.

A Future with Hope

The success of Mandy’s double lung transplant has given new hope to patients with advanced cancer who were previously told they had little chance of survival. This pioneering surgery opens up new possibilities for treatment and care, offering patients a second chance at life that was previously unimaginable.

As researchers continue to explore the long-term effects of double lung transplants on cancer patients, we can expect to see even more innovative approaches to treatment in the years to come. With advances in technology and medical science, it is possible that one day, cancer will be eradicated altogether.


Mandy Wilk’s story is a testament to the power of hope and determination in the face of adversity. Her double lung transplant has given her a second chance at life, and we can expect to see more innovative approaches to treatment emerge as a result of this groundbreaking surgery.

As we move forward into an uncertain future, one thing is clear: with medical science advancing at a rapid pace, there is always hope for those facing seemingly insurmountable health challenges. Mandy’s story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Key Takeaways

  • The DREAM program offers lung transplants to patients with cancer who have no other options.
  • Dr. Ankit Bharat led the team that performed Mandy Wilk’s double lung transplant on June 3rd.
  • Wilk’s recovery was remarkable, spending only one week in the hospital and not requiring a rehab center stay.
  • The success of Wilk’s surgery is attributed to her own determination and advocacy for herself, as well as the expertise of Dr. Bharat and his team.

Future Research Directions

  • Investigating the long-term effects of double lung transplants on cancer patients.
  • Developing new technologies to improve the precision and effectiveness of lung transplant surgeries.
  • Exploring alternative treatment options for patients with advanced cancer.