Dash-cam - a convenient way to save money of car insurance

How to pay less for car insurance

The premium amount for compulsory car insurance depends on many factors.

In this article we will discuss some of them and analyze how could you decrease your premium amount for car insurance and save some serious amount on money.

One of the most important is the history of the damage done by the owner of the vehicle. A person who can boast of a claim-free ride for many years – will receive a discount from the insurance company – even 60%.
The second important factor is the place where the car is used. The statistical models created to calculate premium profitability take into account location.

For example, in large cities, statistically, there are more collisions and the costs of the policy are higher than in the countryside.
It is also influenced by statistically higher crime in larger cities than in the outskirts.

One of the ways to get an additional discount on a private car policy is to have a driving video recorder also known as dashcam.

How dashcam can help you with your insurance cost?

A Dash Cam acts as your independent witness on the roads, able to prove if an accident was not your fault and provide insurance savings..

Why you should use dashcam?

Well, buying dash-cam is very important , as it makes a big difference to the outcome of accidents in the road (more people will be riding a car, or using a bicycle).

You can also save your lives. In case of an accident, the dashcam can provide a lot of information, which could save you from a life-threatening situation.

Dash camera also helps you to be more alert, which is why people are starting to use dash cams in the first place. The dash cam is able to record and record all the important info that would have been taken away from a police report.

How to get a dash cam?

If you want to have a high visibility car with high dash-cam, you should consider a dash cam. A dash cam can be an essential part of high visibility vehicles so that you can know exactly where you are. If you have the ability to use this feature, you can save a lot of money and avoid many accidents that will happen during your driving.

The dash cam also records you to give you a better view of the road. You may find that the police officers have no idea where you are, so you can be assured that they do not find you.
There are different cameras out there for different cars, some are cheaper and offer better quality pictures.

If you want to find out about offered models – please visit this site:


What is an auto dash cam?

The auto dash cam is a type of dash cam that comes with the car that your recording. The auto dash cam will record all the vital information that the police would have about you while you are driving. The recording can be done while you are on the road, on the highway or even in the parking lot.
For an example, you can watch a recording from another dash cam where an accident happened, and get an idea of what happened and help you in your decision-making process.

What is the difference between a car dash cam and a dash cam with voice recorder?

For an example, if you are a passenger in a car, you can record voice recordings from a car dash cam that you have installed in the dash, this will help you decide if you want to get out of the car to make sure that the police are not after you or you do not want to be a victim of a car accident.

Dash cams have been available for a long time, and some of them even come with features that enable you to record your driving history and the speed of the car.

What are the advantages of having a dashboard camera in a car?

Dash cameras can be a lot of fun to have, as you can learn a lot, such as what you are doing on a regular basis, and what you are doing as a driver. You can learn about your speed from the speedometer, and also see what is going on around you.

How to use a dashboard camera?

There are no set instructions on how to use a dashboard camera, so there is no need to be concerned about the camera not working, it will automatically start recording at that moment. Just follow the steps given in the dashboard cam manual, and use it at the time when you want to.

How many cameras can I have in my car?

Dirk, who runs a car tracking company in Austria, says that if there are a total of 20 dash cam cameras in your car, you can have one with a range of 300-400 meters for your home.

The range for all those different camera types can be even higher if you have cameras installed in the dashboard, which you can record your driving at different speed.

The main thing that you should remember is that any cameras in your car are recording your driving, and any information that the police would have collected from those cameras can be taken away. So, you should make sure that you have as good a dash cam as you can manage.